Umesh Perera
A Well-known Technologist, Security, Search Engine & Esport Specialist

Who's Umesh Perera?
Apart from being a dedicated father of six Umesh is the founder of Ayozat™ and the co-founder of Linkquid™, Umesh Perera is a technologist who is also involved in media, cybersecurity, fortune 500, and data analytics. Umesh’s Ayozat™ is a broadcasting and OTT platform company whereas Linkquid™ is a pure ad-tech company having its presence in the United States, the UK, India, Serbia, Sri Lanka, and various parts of Europe.
One of the many achievements of Umesh Perera is the system he developed alongside Microsoft that helped identify millions of refugees over a thousand square miles that helped reunite them with their families and re-build war torn areas during Balkan’s Kosovo war in the the late 1990’s.
Umesh is a visionary and founder behind a wide range of businesses. While he has a passion for family and people, he loves problem solving and is a mathematician as well.